

Repository: https://github.com/fivethirtyeight/data




This folder contains data behind the story Introducing RAPTOR, Our New Metric For The Modern NBA and the interactive The Best NBA Players, According To RAPTOR.

modern_RAPTOR_by_player.csv contains RAPTOR data for every player broken out by season since 2014, when NBA player-tracking data first became available.

modern_RAPTOR_by_team.csv contains RAPTOR data for every player broken out by team, season and season_type since 2014, when NBA player-tracking data first became available.

These "modern" data files contain the box score and on/off plus-minus components of RAPTOR, which are then combined into a total RAPTOR rating.

historical_RAPTOR_by_player.csv contains RAPTOR data for every player broken out by season since the 1976 ABA-NBA merger.

historical_RAPTOR_by_team.csv contains RAPTOR data for every player broken out by team, season and season_type since the 1976 ABA-NBA merger.

These "historical" data files use full player-tracking RAPTOR for seasons since 2014, a version of RAPTOR that mixes box score value estimates with single-year regularized plus-minus data for seasons from 2001 through 2013, and a version of RAPTOR that only uses a box score estimate of value for the seasons from 1977 through 2000. In each era, the RAPTOR version with the highest level of detail is the version used.

The linked file latest_RAPTOR_by_player.csv contains RAPTOR data for every player in the latest season.

The linked file latest_RAPTOR_by_team.csv contains RAPTOR data for every player broken out by team, season and season_type for the latest season.

These "latest" data files contain the box score and on/off plus-minus components of RAPTOR, which are then combined into a total RAPTOR rating.

player_namePlayer name
player_idBasketball-Reference.com player ID
season_typeRegular season (RS) or playoff (PO)
teamBasketball-Reference ID of team
possPossessions played
mpMinutes played
raptor_box_offensePoints above average per 100 possessions added by player on offense, based only on box score estimate
raptor_box_defensePoints above average per 100 possessions added by player on defense, based only on box score estimate
raptor_box_totalPoints above average per 100 possessions added by player, based only on box score estimate
raptor_onoff_offensePoints above average per 100 possessions added by player on offense, based only on plus-minus data
raptor_onoff_defensePoints above average per 100 possessions added by player on defense, based only on plus-minus data
raptor_onoff_totalPoints above average per 100 possessions added by player, based only on plus-minus data
raptor_offensePoints above average per 100 possessions added by player on offense, using both box and on-off components
raptor_defensePoints above average per 100 possessions added by player on defense, using both box and on-off components
raptor_totalPoints above average per 100 possessions added by player on both offense and defense, using both box and on-off components
war_totalWins Above Replacement between regular season and playoffs
war_reg_seasonWins Above Replacement for regular season
war_playoffsWins Above Replacement for playoffs
predator_offensePredictive points above average per 100 possessions added by player on offense
predator_defensePredictive points above average per 100 possessions added by player on defense
predator_totalPredictive points above average per 100 possessions added by player on both offense and defense
pace_impactPlayer impact on team possessions per 48 minutes